Matching DNA strands in PowerShell

By Julian Kusin

Supply a string length to compare two random DNA sequences

Shows you where they match according to AT/GC pairs

[int]$seqLength = Read-Host "Enter the length of the DNA sequences: "
[array]$nuctides = "A", "C", "T", "G"
$pointer = @(" ")*$seqLength
$numMatches = 0
function Get-RandNuc { 
    $nuctides[(Get-Random 4)]
for ($i=0; $i -lt $seqLength; $i++) {
    [array]$sequence1 += Get-RandNuc
    [array]$sequence2 += Get-RandNuc
function Check-Pair {
    $pair = $sequence1[$index] + $sequence2[$index]
    if ($pair -contains "TA" -or ($pair -contains "AT") -or ($pair -contains "CG") -or ($pair -contains "GC")) {
    else {
for ($j=0; $j -lt $seqLength; $j++)  {
    if (Check-Pair $j) {
        $pointer[$j] = "^"
$sequence1 -join ''
$sequence2 -join ''
$pointer -join ''
Write-Host "Your sequences match $numMatches times"

Clear-Variable sequence1
Clear-Variable sequence2



I recommend Idera’s PowerShell tutorials for instilling the ‘PowerShell way’ to do things. Unfortunately it’s a bit hard to navigate through the tutorial. A possible workaround is to navigate via the url. To find Chapter 1 for example without knowing the full url/chapter name, you can just navigate to ‘https//’ and it will bring you to https// luckily.

There is also the classic PowerShell in a Month of Lunches. The third edition is the most polished.